Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer Fun!

I know it's been a while since this blog was updated (about 5 months...) but we have been very busy!

In the past 5 months, Jonathan has become potty trained, is taking cooking lessons and plans to start college in the Fall.

Not really, but it seems that way!  He has come SO far.  In January, he was just starting to become interested in the world around him, and every now and then we would get a smile or giggle.  Now, he is constantly babbling and laughing and smiles at the slightest encouragement.

Also, he has started physical therapy because he is "behind".  That means, even though he is 11 months old, he isn't doing what most 11 month old babies do (according to the physical therapist's special test).  Also, since he had grade 3 brain bleeds on both sides of his brain, that puts him at a higher risk of developmental impairments, so PT can help with that, too.  Not to mention, his physical therapist, Michelle, is really good with him and we have seen so much progress.  He is finally pushing himself up on his arms! 

He has also stopped taking all his medications (thank you, Lord!) and is doing well.  He still sees all of his doctors, but they are mostly just monitoring him.  His brain bleeds are not a concern for us at this point; he goes to see the kidney doctor this summer to see if his kidney reflux is gone (it seems to be); his retina doctor has released him from his care (and that was KIND OF sad because we had been seeing him so much!); and we have a sleep study next Tuesday night to see if we can finally get off this oxygen (he is still on oxygen at night).  Oh yeah, we are also off the apnea monitor which is awesome because when it would go off our hearts would stop (they were always false alarms, though).

Jonathan is eating really well, too.  He isn't eating table food yet, but he loves baby food.  My mom just bought me a Baby Bullet to make our own baby food.  I've made bananas and brown rice so far and he loved it! 

Speaking of my mom, she just left from a 10 day visit.  We all went to Anna Maria Island for 3 of those days:  me, Jeff, Jonathan, my mom, Jeff's parents, Jeff's sister and her fiance.  We rented a house and it was HEAVEN!  We decided we need to stay a week next year instead of just 3 days.   Here are some pics from the trip.
Jonathan in his beach tent.

Awesome AMI sunset, with the moon rise in the upper left corner.

Baby J was upset when the wave hit him, but he got over it.